Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Legal Compliance with Un Directives

Beyond Bricks : A report on a new proposed business plan in the field of renewable energy 2013 Strategy Builders Consulting Inc. 2/5/2013 Introduction Sustainable development and renewable energy are among the most talked about topics at the moment. Renewable energy is the concept that the think tanks are throwing their weight behind, and the same is true for the European Union (EU, henceforth) The business model that we are going to propose, deals with promoting renewable energy resources, and has a lot of other elements to it, which are all in compliance with the vision that the EU has in place.The existing real estate agency in question is functional in both the residential as well industrial sectors. As a result of your operations, you have a strong and commendable network in place, which can be utilised in furthering our recommended business model. According to the ‘Energy 20:20’ vision of the EU, every new building must comply with renewable energy standards, set b y regulations. The existing and old buildings will also have to modify their installations to meet the new requirements.Considering that improving energy efficiency is high on importance for the EU, and for the entire developed world, we anticipate that the authorities are going to be fairly stringent on the issue of compliance of the said regulations. In approximately 7-9 years from today, it is going to be mandatory for buildings to meet the new set of criteria. Since we are still some distance away from the 2020 milestone, there is a fair chance of exploiting the time and reaping benefits. The Concept We propose to set up a model, wherein we facilitate installation as well as replacement of efficient and renewable energy components.We will have to tie up with providers of renewable energy sources and provide their services and products to our customers, who buy property from us. This service will also include our previous customers who would be looking to replace their current el ectricity system with renewable energy. In addition to promoting and facilitating use of renewable energy, we also propose to set up a carbon capture and storage unit and mechanism for our industrial installations. We will form alliances with small scale providers of these mechanisms and provide their services and goods to our customers.In addition to the task of acting as an intermediary, we also propose to employ and train a team of technicians, who will provide maintenance and after sales services to the customers. For this maintenance team, we will hire young, unemployed people from lower sections of the economy, who will be trained by our energy providing partners, and this initiative will hence, help in improving their societal placement. We also propose to tie up with an energy efficiency certification agency, so that our customers can easily obtain certifications.Rationale behind the concept The Commission says that EU must embrace renewable sources, not only to slow the cli mate changes but also because the EU's reliance on imported gas that is set to increase from 57% currently to 84% by 2030, and on imported oil from 82% to 93%. Hence the EU sets the goal of 1. Increasing renewable energy's share of the market to 20% by 2020, from around 8. 5% today. 2. Energy consumption is to be cut by 20% by 2020 through improved energy efficiency compared to 1990 levels. 3.Green house gas emissions are to be cut by 20% by 2020 compared with 1990 levels. The commission says states aid can legitimately be used to promote emissions cuts and increase take-up of renewables, so long as it does not breach EU competition rules. The commission has come up with new proposals for the EU to co-finance national and local schemes to promote energy-efficient housing. The EU will help member states install double glazing, wall insulation and solar panels in housing, especially targeting low-income households. The customersThe target group of customers for this business will be o ur own existing and new customers. Evidently, since renewable sources of energy are more expensive when compared to their non renewable counterparts, there might be an initial reluctance from the customers, to shell additional Euros. To educate them about the benefits of cleaner energy, their carbon footprint, as well as the impending EU regulations, we propose to have an â€Å"Energy Consultant†, who will lay out plans, a cost-benefit analysis and answer any questions that the customers might have.The existing customers will actually be a more vital part of this proposed business model, because they will be the ones who will be replacing their existing electricity systems into renewable sources, and they will form a bigger proportion of the revenue pool, because their numbers will exceed the number of new buildings coming up. The new business concept will have to be communicated to the existing customers using our contact database, and then the consultant/s will be functiona l in bringing them onboard with the new ideas.Scope of the Model: Target Market France’s real estate environment is in perpetual change from the classical renting to owner/occupant system and the trend is visible from the 1960’s to date whereby 45% of the people rented v/s 42 % owned to 38 % (renting) and 57% (ownership). The renting environment is currently made of 54 % of private sector housing and 46 % of social housing. Furthermore, out of the 9. 8 million private sector residences for rental purposes, 4. 5 million are HLM (habitation a loyer modere) or project housing.With these housing projects housing most of the poor populations, the costs of energy by legacy providers such as EDF is high and hence the costs of electricity and heating is an additional burden. The available housing is also relatively old (40%) of private rental properties built before 1948 and the needs for upgrading these properties to comply with EU regulation is tremendous. 60% of the rental property is also located in metropolis of 100000+ inhabitants with most of the rural housing being privately owned.The remote locations have lesser choices in terms of energy providers as the small scale providers are only present on part of the territory. The lack of competition drives prices high and slows the implementation of cleaner energy. As for the low income housing projects, most of them were built between 1950-1970 (50%) and due to high density and low maintenance, they require even more urgent upgrades to both comply with regulation and help the government in its housing policy making.By pairing up with smaller scale energy providers across the board from wind power harvesters like Planete Oui to solar energy providers like Direct Energy, we are creating a partnership with smaller scale EU based energy producers (as opposed to EDF) and we are encouraging competition, hence lowering costs for customers. Besides, this partnership can lead to training of young unemployed pe ople in the housing projects in electrical engineering/maintenance, hence contributing to fight unemployment. Besides, he youth know their neighborhood needs better and by outsourcing routine maintenance, the energy providers can save a lot in terms of travel costs for their maintenance teams. The Suppliers: Our role in this business model will be that of a facilitator, a middle-man of sorts. We will bring about the connection between renewable energy providers and willing buyers. We will focus on producers of wind power and solar power. We wish to focus on the smaller players in the market, because not only will in promote them, it will potentially increase competition in the energy market in France, where EDF is the largest supplier now.It will also be easier logistically for us to tie up with smaller producers. Our alliance will be based on a commission based system, where we will receive a commission based on the business volume from the producers, as we will be functional in en hancing their reach, network and business. Minimum Compliance Requirements: The states are obliged to comply with the above methodology in order to achieve cost-optimal levels. The level of these requirements is reviewed every 5  years.When setting requirements, Member States may differentiate between new and existing buildings and between different categories of buildings. New buildings  shall comply with these requirements and undergo a feasibility study before construction starts, looking at the installation of renewable energy supply systems, heat pumps, district or block heating or cooling systems and cogeneration systems. When undergoing major renovation,  existing buildings  shall have their energy performance upgraded so that they also satisfy the minimum requirements.When new, replaced or upgraded technical building systems such as heating systems, hot water systems, air-conditioning systems and large ventilation systems are installed, they shall also comply with th e energy performance requirements. Building elements that form part of the building envelope and have a significant impact on the energy performance of that envelope (for example, window frames) shall also meet the minimum energy performance requirements when they are replaced or retrofitted, with a view to achieving cost-optimal levels. Calculating energy performance:At the national or regional level, the buildings are evaluated by a methodology for calculating the energy performance which takes into account certain elements, specifically: * The thermal characteristics of a building (thermal capacity, insulation, etc. ); * heating insulation and hot water supply; * the air-conditioning installation; * the built-in lighting installation * Indoor climatic conditions The Finance Our research and analysis shows us that the initial start-up investment in the business will be â‚ ¬ 5 million. Out of this sum, we already have â‚ ¬ 1 million at our disposal.Out of the rest, we propose to send an application to the EU, with a request for funding under the EEPR or European Energy Programme for Recovery. We expect the EU to fund between 20% – 50% ( 1 mn – 2. 5 mn Euros ) of our project, and the rest will be sourced from angel investors and bank loans. The EEPR funds projects in three main areas of the energy sector: †¢Gas and electricity infrastructures †¢Off-shore wind energy †¢Carbon capture and storage This Regulation also establishes a financial instrument the aim of which is to support initiatives related to energy efficiency and renewable energy.The programme finances interconnection projects with a number of objectives, out of which, our business model complies with the following objectives: * Diversification of sources of energy and supplies * Optimisation of the capacity of the energy network and the integration of the internal energy market * Developmentof the network * Connection of renewable energy sources In addition to the se objectives, our model also includes carbon capture and storage, and this should facilitate the funding of our project, because it ticks a lot of check boxes on the EU list.Our project is aligned with the 2020 vision of the EU, The new concept goes beyond the classical real estate agent business, as it promotes clean energy use, it promotes SMEs, and it also increases employment among unemployed youth also. Appendix: Objective: Nearly zero-energy buildings By 31  December 2020, all new buildings shall be nearly zero-energy consumption buildings. New buildings occupied and owned by public authorities shall comply with the same criteria by 31  December 2018.The Commission encourages increasing the numbers of this type of building by putting in place  national plans, which include: * The Member State’s application in practice of the definition of nearly zero-energy buildings; * The intermediate targets for improving the energy performance of new buildings by 2015; * The information on the policies and financial measures adopted to encourage improving the energy performance of buildings. Financial incentives and market barriers Member States shall draw up a list of the existing and potential instruments used to promote improvements in the energy performance of buildings.This list is to be updated every three years. References http://news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/europe/7765094. stm http://europa. eu/legislation_summaries/energy/energy_efficiency/en0021_en. htm http://eur-lex. europa. eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ. do? uri=OJ:L:2010:153:0013:0035:EN:PDF http://europa. eu/legislation_summaries/environment/sustainable_development/l28075_en. htm http://ec. europa. eu/clima/policies/g-gas/index_en. htm http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/%C3%89lectricit%C3%A9_de_France http://europa. eu/legislation_summaries/energy/energy_efficiency/l27021_en. htm http://www. territoires. gouv. fr/spip. php? article1173

Differential in Views on Movie Rating Classification

Ordinance to classify the public entertainment (i. e. movies, shows) provided the audience with the convenient way to judge the degree of exposure of questionable material, like sexually explicit topics or nudity. The government officials in appropriate departments initiated the type of rating for such entertainment without surveying for general public opinion. Thus, it is a logical deduction that there would be some differential toward the rating classification present between the established norms and the common attitude.This paper will investigate the general public opinion through surveying a large sample with the consecutive data analysis. The data will be collected using the specially designed questionnaire questions in which the content will specifically target the participants’ attitude toward the target. The participants will be divided into four groups: 1) Married adults with children, 2) Single adults without children, 3) Teenagers, 4) Children.The participants will be elected through the randomization methodology to avoid any bias. There will be total of 1200 participants divided equally into four aforementioned groups. Our Null Hypothesis will be as follows: No: There is a differentiation in attitude toward the media rating classification between the established ordinance and the public opinion. Our Alternative Hypothesis will be: H1: The differentiation in attitude is insignificant The variables will be: age, family status, degree of attitude.(Attitude can be measured using one to five scale). To increase validity, we propose the implementation of the questionnaire twice: one in the beginning of one-month interval and another at the end of it. This is an optional feature that would preclude questions about participant moods during the time when they will answer questions and the external factors that might influence their answers. The statistics will be calculated with the computer-based software programs, like SPSS.Also, we will examine da ta against any correlations, like possible high correlation between the adults with children’s attitudes and that of the government officials. Additionally, we must consider necessary project costs, as in follows. Our expenses will be absorbed by photocopying, traveling, and analysis expenses, all totaling to $ 4,800 (four thousand eight hundred USD). The project is deemed to take a bit over six weeks time and will be conducted from June 1 through July 19th.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Starry night

Vincent Van Gogh Painted named Starry Night was painted with the use of oil mediums in 1889 while he was in Saint Remy seeking treatment in a mental asylum. Although when this piece was painted it was based on his memory. This piece is a symbolic landscape full of movement, energy and light. It is CACM by 92 CM and this painting alongside Mona Lisa is used to decorate more bedrooms around the world than any other image in the history of art. It is one of those iconic images, that have become visual click ©s due to mass production and consequently deserve a closer look to rediscover their power.It was based on a constellation rearrangement that Van Gogh had seen earlier on in the night sky of Provence. Starry night is perhaps one of his most famous artworks ever and is one of the most replicated artworks around the worlds. The night sky depicted by Van Gogh in this painting is full of whirling clouds, shining stars and a bright crescent moon on the far right of the painting. The ele ments ensure fluidity and this piece is not a happy piece nor a dark one as it has different tones throughout the whole piece.The Church and town symbolism unity as they are all together under the beautiful night sky, the dark object in the foreground represents isolation a darkness that is present and the most noticeable shining stars and moon represent hope and peace in dark times. Van Gogh has carefully placed the town in the lower center of the piece because even though it isn't the main focus of the whole artwork it is very carefully huddled around a church which connects into the sky to draw your eye from the flowing lines into the lit up town.The little huddled town creates a sense of seclusion and I would not expect this town to be full of crime or noise. Even if it was, this is not what the artist depicted. What he did depict was a town, some houses with the peace of sleep. Van Gogh lived in a little town Just on the outskirts of Saint Remy and I believe that this town swel l as the cypress tree and stars all relate back to his life pre suicide. I believe that all three are connected and the town symbolizes unity and gives an impression of isolation but also how much we have devolved because in one part we have a creation of man and in the other a creation of nature.There are various interpretations of Starry Night and one is that the canvas depicts pope. It seems that van Gogh was showing that even with a dark night such as this it is still possible to see light in the windows of the houses. Furthermore, with shining stars filling the sky, there is always light to guide you. First, it comes across as a sort of castle, but then you get the impression that it is a plant of some sort that is growing toward sky.As you look closer you realize that the mysterious shape is not made of black lines, but dark green, with hints of blues and blacks in its midst. This object is said to be a cypress tree and they usually symbolism death as they are most molly found in graveyards. It is possible that Vantage intensifies himself with the looming cypress tree in the foreground. The large cypress in Starry Night is arguably the most eye catching but at the same time ambiguous â€Å"thing† in the painting.Mostly because of its size and the way its dark and almost sinister presence contrasts to heavily with the brightly colored stars. I relate Van Gogh with this tree as it seems that even though he was cured of his illness there was no peace, so in death he knew that he would be at piece. Van Gogh was aware that his Starry Night composition was somewhat surreal. Although the features are exaggerated, this is a scene we can all relate to, and also one that most individuals feel comfortable and at ease with.This sky keeps the viewer's eyes moving about the painting, following the curves and creating a visual dot to dot with the stars. This movement keeps the onlooker involved in the painting while the other factors take hold. The rich colors u sed by Van Gogh almost makes it look as through it is smudged but if you zoom in and take a closer look they are Just different textures from thick to thin. This is basically the only light in this painting as t is surrounded by bright stars and the crescent moon.I believe it subsidizes the light that guides everybody through darkness as the cypress tree looms nearby. Also how our world is so beautiful above and sometimes we get caught up in our busy lives that to take time to appreciate a beautiful collation of stars and the sky itself is hard but right inferno of all of us. Beauty is always there among darkness but it's our choice if we choose to appreciate it. It seems that van Gogh was finally being cured of his illness and had essentially found his heaven. He also knew that in death he would be at peace. Starry night Vincent Van Gogh Painted named Starry Night was painted with the use of oil mediums in 1889 while he was in Saint Remy seeking treatment in a mental asylum. Although when this piece was painted it was based on his memory. This piece is a symbolic landscape full of movement, energy and light. It is CACM by 92 CM and this painting alongside Mona Lisa is used to decorate more bedrooms around the world than any other image in the history of art. It is one of those iconic images, that have become visual click ©s due to mass production and consequently deserve a closer look to rediscover their power.It was based on a constellation rearrangement that Van Gogh had seen earlier on in the night sky of Provence. Starry night is perhaps one of his most famous artworks ever and is one of the most replicated artworks around the worlds. The night sky depicted by Van Gogh in this painting is full of whirling clouds, shining stars and a bright crescent moon on the far right of the painting. The ele ments ensure fluidity and this piece is not a happy piece nor a dark one as it has different tones throughout the whole piece.The Church and town symbolism unity as they are all together under the beautiful night sky, the dark object in the foreground represents isolation a darkness that is present and the most noticeable shining stars and moon represent hope and peace in dark times. Van Gogh has carefully placed the town in the lower center of the piece because even though it isn't the main focus of the whole artwork it is very carefully huddled around a church which connects into the sky to draw your eye from the flowing lines into the lit up town.The little huddled town creates a sense of seclusion and I would not expect this town to be full of crime or noise. Even if it was, this is not what the artist depicted. What he did depict was a town, some houses with the peace of sleep. Van Gogh lived in a little town Just on the outskirts of Saint Remy and I believe that this town swel l as the cypress tree and stars all relate back to his life pre suicide. I believe that all three are connected and the town symbolizes unity and gives an impression of isolation but also how much we have devolved because in one part we have a creation of man and in the other a creation of nature.There are various interpretations of Starry Night and one is that the canvas depicts pope. It seems that van Gogh was showing that even with a dark night such as this it is still possible to see light in the windows of the houses. Furthermore, with shining stars filling the sky, there is always light to guide you. First, it comes across as a sort of castle, but then you get the impression that it is a plant of some sort that is growing toward sky.As you look closer you realize that the mysterious shape is not made of black lines, but dark green, with hints of blues and blacks in its midst. This object is said to be a cypress tree and they usually symbolism death as they are most molly found in graveyards. It is possible that Vantage intensifies himself with the looming cypress tree in the foreground. The large cypress in Starry Night is arguably the most eye catching but at the same time ambiguous â€Å"thing† in the painting.Mostly because of its size and the way its dark and almost sinister presence contrasts to heavily with the brightly colored stars. I relate Van Gogh with this tree as it seems that even though he was cured of his illness there was no peace, so in death he knew that he would be at piece. Van Gogh was aware that his Starry Night composition was somewhat surreal. Although the features are exaggerated, this is a scene we can all relate to, and also one that most individuals feel comfortable and at ease with.This sky keeps the viewer's eyes moving about the painting, following the curves and creating a visual dot to dot with the stars. This movement keeps the onlooker involved in the painting while the other factors take hold. The rich colors u sed by Van Gogh almost makes it look as through it is smudged but if you zoom in and take a closer look they are Just different textures from thick to thin. This is basically the only light in this painting as t is surrounded by bright stars and the crescent moon.I believe it subsidizes the light that guides everybody through darkness as the cypress tree looms nearby. Also how our world is so beautiful above and sometimes we get caught up in our busy lives that to take time to appreciate a beautiful collation of stars and the sky itself is hard but right inferno of all of us. Beauty is always there among darkness but it's our choice if we choose to appreciate it. It seems that van Gogh was finally being cured of his illness and had essentially found his heaven. He also knew that in death he would be at peace.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Parable of the Sahdu Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Parable of the Sahdu - Essay Example Parable of the Sadhu began with the multi-ethnic and multi-national group of expert mountain climbers who want to reach the top of Mount Everest. One group member who is a part of the New Zealand group of mountaineers discovered the sadhu (an Indian holy man that practices yoga or an ascetic or a mystic) to be lying in the snow almost naked and near death already due to hypothermia (loss of body heat due to the cold). He brought this Indian man to the group to which the author Bowen H. McCoy belonged to so they can take care of him. He was in a hurry to rejoin his group that is already far ahead in the mountains. Members of the group of McCoy gave their food and clothing to the Sadhu so he can recover his strength. The four members of a Swiss group also helped to keep the man warm. The group of the Japanese climbers refused to lend their horse for transporting the Sadhu down the mountains to the next nearest village. The local porters carried the man instead but only half-way to the village and left the sadhu to cover the rest of the way to the village which they pointed out to him. No one in the group had bothered to ask the sadhu why he was there in the place or if he had really wanted to die (McCoy 12). No one also knew whether the sadhu eventually lived or not. The moral of the story is that people will often act differently when confronted with a situation that requires moral judgment. In this parable, each group of climbers found a reason to help the sadhu but only partially, because each had a higher goal of reaching the mountains peak before the snow steps will melt and make reaching the summit almost impossible. Each person was confronted with an ethical dilemma: whether to continue on with their journey or help out the sadhu and get delayed and probably never reach the mountains peak anymore. At issue in this story is no individual or group was willing to accept responsibility for the sadhu. Many of us as professionals will encounter similar

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Business Etiquette and Elevator Pitch Activities Essay

Business Etiquette and Elevator Pitch Activities - Essay Example However, if the elevator pitch is a failure, the conversation will die just as the elevator ride stops. Successful business people are always prepared with their elevator pitch speech because they know that one missed shot will cost them quite a lot. (Mike Gunderloy, 2004). In the chosen airline industry, the concept of elevator pitch is very important. All employees of an airline serves as the company’s ambassadors because whatever they will communicate through their actions and words would actually help people create a positive or negative image of the airline in their minds (Chris Westfall, 2012). If a flight attendant does not treat a customer in a friendly and polite manner, it is likely that he will never travel with the same airline ever in his life and might also used the ‘word of mouth’ to discourage others. A flight attendant must always be prepared for an elevator pitch speech because every day or so he is interacting with people who are really interested in knowing about their experience, skills and association with the airline company. If a flight attendant is unable to communicate the elevator pitch speech to the other person, it is likely that his skills will be doubted because a flight attendant is assumed to be very confident, quick and rational. The elevator pitch speech of a flight attendant has to be very interesting, catchy and memorable. He first needs to identify his goal so that he knows where he is directing all his efforts. A very important step in the creation of an effective pitch is that you need to be aware of what you do, what kind of soft skills you possess and what you have learned from all the years you have served in the airline as a flight attendant. Once this step is accomplished, you need to select exactly what part of the identified information could be shared. This will help you define yourself in a

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 4

Media - Essay Example Drury (2008) further elaborates that the social networking sights, such as Facebook and Twitter, are two important platforms where people have created virtual identity for sharing different types of content and interacting with each other; thereby, social media democratises the content in its all forms. The scope of this paper is to elaborate on the news consumption and translate that consumption into further interaction and into tangible form such as buying or subscribing to news and information. In this regard, it is essential to highlight that the news dissemination purpose is to increase awareness and enable consumers to make well-informed decisions relating to products and services which are being offered through marketing on social media and other forms which disseminate information and news. Keeping this view in mind, the social media, particularly the role of social networking sites will be closely discussed for producing, marketing, distributing and consuming the news. For this objective, following sections will highlight the role of social media with the above mentioned aspects of news. First, social media and production of news section has been given. It is followed by social media and marketing of news part has been included. Subsequently, social media and distribution of news segment has been incorporated. Before the conclusion part, social media and consumption of news section has been provided. Social media facilitates and empowers the rise of citizen journalism. Citizen journalism refers to individuals, who are not formally member of any news agency, produce, report, and upload any news through using the medium of the Internet and more specifically the social media sites (Bryant, 2006). Silverblatt (2013) differently describe the use and prominence of the citizen journalism on the land of the social networking sites by explaining that the citizen journalism refers to

Friday, July 26, 2019

A Critical Research Paper on the Role of Audience in the Performing

A Critical on the Role of Audience in the Performing Arts - Research Paper Example and falling asleep, staying through the end of the presentation or will wait for a break before leaving, applauses only when its appropriate and dresses in an appropriate manner. These are the most common audience etiquette we can see in today’s modern performing arts. The shift of the 19th century audience mindset to modern standards of etiquette is indicative in America’s culture because these etiquettes are now being practiced in the corporate world. Etiquettes such as arriving early and actively listening are now being observed in America’s workplace and also in other countries. The shift also influenced larger communities such as schools and churches who are also practicing these kinds of etiquettes. The shift has greatly influenced the American culture because as we can see a lot of communities find it effective and efficient to implement these proper etiquettes. A portion of the contemporary audience will always have the patience of sitting through a play or an opera basing on their level of interest. There are still a lot plays and operas in the country which is being handled by people who are passionate and interested in these forms of entertainment. Even schools are producing plays and are encouraging their students to participate in this form of entertainment. Plays, symphonies and operas are not obsolete. As stated above it is still being produced by schools and people who are passionate and interested on these forms of entertainment. Shakespeare has been raised to such artistic heights that audience deference is now appropriate because of the integral part he has given on these forms of entertainment. Plays, symphonies and operas are far from being obsolete because of the integral value it has on the American culture. The fact that centuries have passed and still these kinds of entertainment exist is giving us very convincing information that plays, symphonies and operas will not be obsolete. There are modern day vestiges or traces from the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Sterling Harwoods Objections to Utilitarianism Essay

Sterling Harwoods Objections to Utilitarianism - Essay Example According to this objection, utilitarianism demands too much from human beings when argued from a real life situation. Harwood’s objects the utilitarianism opinion, which demands individuals to save the life of five strangers rather than that of their loved ones. This implies that people should give up nearly everything to assist those in need. For instance, one person should sacrifice his or her life for the sake of three or more people to survive. The person will make more people happy at the expense of his or her happiness; this may be applicable to cases of healthiness or wealth. Utilitarianism maintains that a person ought to act in a manner that increases universal happiness even though the action does not make him happy. This action reveals how unrealistic the demands of utilitarianism are towards human nature. For utilitarianism, sacrificing a single person to save many is justifiable because it is ambitious of figures. Utilitarianism seems to coincide with religion, l ike utilitarianism, religion asks people to sacrifice their lives for the sake of their friends benefit. However, Harwood objects these demands by saying that it is impossible to detach an individual’s life for the sake of others, this discredits utilitarianism viewpoint (McElwee 457). According to Harwood, utilitarianism is unfair and it is the truth. Justice cannot be compared with cheerfulness or contentment in the world. Actually, actions of justice may probably result in resentment, disputes, as well as hostility amongst communities. For instance, if the marginal people in a community are greatly singled out, and they happen to be satisfied with it due to the many benefits it brings them, then that is good according to utilitarianism. Therefore, no protests should be made because they will lead to chaos among the majority and the marginal. Likewise, utilitarianism is concerned with numbers; therefore, the utmost contentment is when the highest numeral of people is satisf ied. This indicates that the decisions to be made are usually unfair and do not do justice to those who are justifiable; for example, a scientist who kills his son prior to finding the cure out the cure for cancer. Utilitarianism will permit the scientist to carry on with the discovery of the cure before he is jailed. This is because if he finds the cure for the illness, the life of several patients will be achieved (McElwee 461). On

Project management case study e Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Project management case study e - Essay Example The ministry of health and family planning began pursuing a nation with a sustainable population since the year 1990. Implementation of many projects to achieve a reduce fertility rate were carried out, the activities include inauguration of family planning day, the distribution of contraceptives, and public health awareness. The project carried out in the most expected successful way turned ineffective for fifteen years. The reason behind the explanation included, facts that Malagasy women despised the use of family planning with only two percent using the service by 2005 and in Kenya in AIDS testing initiatives (Sylvester n.d). World Bank sponsored a program where the rapid results approach implementation required undertaking by Robinson implementation strategy. The implementation carried out to reduce rice shortage in the country; unfortunately, it spiked riots in the country. The project received less success, but after revision, through a consultation with the rapid result initi ative team the government reached n amicable solution. Lalao or Norolaolao Rakotondrafara known as the director of family planning in Madagascar. Rapid result mainly initiative used in the implementation of the objective, where the san of the project remained at 60-120 days. The projected required implementation in three phases ; phase one include the prelaunch of the project, while phase two consisted of the launching process, lastly, phase three composed of the implementation process. The ideas behind any phase designed to reduce the chances of barriers to optimal performance of the project (Nadim& Morgan, 2011). Pre-Launch, the creation of ownership and engagement According to the progress of the initiative, the citizens of Madagascar were unable to make progress but required assistance from an external source. The reason behind the explanation was that the citizens had a gap in knowledge and techniques as a whole. The people of Madagascar stubbornness to accept change and abilit ies derailed of rapid result initiative. The reason behind the explanation was that the donor provided an explanation where implementation was unachievable or complex. The plan of the implementation of such projects consisted complex processes that encompassed difficult procedures that lacked implementation. The reluctance of public workers to implement the project based on lack of additional pay. The problem of the project implementation received resistance from the managerial staff, as they required credit. The prelaunch of the project faced many controversies. Managerial staff led by Lalao, least believed in the implementation of rapid result initiative. The committee including the rapid initiative result coach and Lalao resulted in rapid result initiative implementation in Madagascar. The implementation received criticism from many, but the two worked for a mutual interactive position (Kleim & Ludin, 2012). Launch: team commitments The implementation of raid initiative approach in Madagascar received attacks from many believing that the objectives lacked sense. The launch of the initiative had two objectives where one required achievement in less than a hundred days. The government emphasis required the support of application of country knowledge and experience as well as identification of opportunities. The government f Madagascar preferred autonomy and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Examine the leadership styles of lewin (1951)white lippit(1960)and Essay

Examine the leadership styles of lewin (1951)white lippit(1960)and consider how it applies to your current or past work - Essay Example According to them, leaders acted in three main ways, laissez – faire, democratic and autocratic leadership style. Autocratic leaders dictated terms and people had to obey them blindly. Democratic leaders discussed all probabilities and also made followers to take their own decisions. Laissez – faire is the extreme opposite to autocratic leadership style. They completely parted with all responsibilities to the followers. The experiments conducted by Lewin on planned change and styles of leadership spurred the launch of group dynamics research and change programs implementation (Burnes 2004). Relevance of Lewin, White and Lippit’s leadership styles in today’s healthcare organizations Nursing is basically a people oriented profession and hence there is considerably focus on humanity and this is one of the basic factors influencing nursing leadership. In order to deal with daily work routines and situations, nursing managers need to make the most use of situat ional leadership. For this, the manager must be aware of the leadership styles employed, task and the processes and systems followed in the healthcare organization. Nursing managers who can successfully combine the above mentioned attributes attain maximum success in handling challenging situations (Sellgren, Ekvall & Tomson 2006). However, the traditional leadership styles experimented on a group of children by Lewin, Lippitt and White may not be the most popular leadership style adapted by nurse managers. In fact, on the basis of these behavioural forced leadership styles, the transformational leadership was subsequently developed and is still considered one of the most popular leadership style adapted by nurse managers. Transformational leadership styles take on all the aspects of democratic, autocratic and laissez – faire styles and apply it depending on the situation warranted. Hence, in today’s changing healthcare organizations, nurse managers have to utilize all the three leadership styles proposed by White, Lippitt and Lewin depending on the situation (Molero et al. 2007). Changes made in the organizational structure also affect the leadership style to be adapted by nurse managers. Also the diverse phases of development which an organization goes through, warrants diverse management efforts and the leadership style should be in compliance with the particular stage through which the organization runs through. The current changes in the environment affecting the culture in the organization also spurs nurse managers to create a specific leadership style of their own in order to handle tasks efficiently (Lindholm, Sivberg & Uden 2000). Hence, most nurse managers employ all three styles of democratic, laissez – faire and authoritative depending on the situation. The leadership style adapted by nursing managers depends on the climate of the group. The manager needs to find out whether the needs of the group are meted out and whether the group is so formed in order to handle group goals. In this case, the nurse leader needs to first make a retrospect of his or her behavioural traits. Accordingly, the current situation in the organizati

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Review of a presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Review of a presentation - Essay Example The progress in the identification and discovery of the lupus disease has paved the way for immunology application in its study thus making the foundation for its current treatment. The disease has shown uneven prevalence interns of race and gender. It is more prevalent in black American women their white counterparts. Lupus is classified in to five types where each type presents different signs and symptoms and causes. This type includes Discoid lupus erythematosus, subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus, drug-induced lupus, neonatal lupus and SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus. The real cause of lupus has not been established yet. This is so due to the many factors that are contributed with the real development of and diagnosis of the disease. Currently, there is no single specific test for the disease and it can last some time before it is established. These calls for several tests to establish the disease like Medical history, Blood tests, ANA test, Skin Biopsy and Kidney biopsy. The disease manifest itself in different symptoms like pain or swelling in joints, muscle pain, fever with no known cause, red rashes, most often on the face, chest pain when taking a deep breath among others. The disease is believed to be caused by epigenetic factors, which are demonstrated by a study of a set of chemical reactions that switch part of the genome on and off at a strategic location and time. Lastly, the re is no cure for the disease but the most applicable treatments aims at treating the symptoms. Evaluation History of lupus The history of lupus disease can be split in three broad periods: Classical era- this period is dated back in the 13th century where the name of the disease was coined. Several physicians gave the disease different names depending on their own thoughts and presentation of the disease. Example of these physicians was Rogerius in 13th century who coined the name lupus describing the facial lesions caused by the disease. Neoclassical Era- this perio d began back in 1872, and it was marked by description of the disease’s dissemination manifestations by Osler. Modern era- this was marked by the discovery of LE cells in1948 in the bone marrow of patients with acute disseminated lupus erythematosus by Hargraves and his colleagues. This was followed by the discovery of immunology of the disease by Moore in 1950’s and systematic occurrence of the disease in patients by Arnett and Shulman in 1954. Epidemiology The disease has shown prevalence of 20 to 150 cases per 1000,000 people. Its prevalence is more in African American Women compared to their white counter part at 164 and 406 respectively situation which has tripled for the last forty years. The prevalence of the disease is highly exhibited in women due to their estrogen hormones aged 20-45 years of age. Lupus disease is highly prevalence in Asians, Afro- Americans, Afro-Caribbean and Hispanic Americans. Classification Lupus disease is classified in to five types wh ere each type has its own specific cause. 1. Discoid lupus erythematosus which result in scar causing skin lesion and can lead to the development of SLE. 2. Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus. Mostly commonly in women aged 15-40 years of age manifested inform of skin lesions. 3. Drug-induced lupus which is cause by continuous use of specific drugs like procainamide and guanidine. 4. Neonatal lupus. It is passed from the mothers and appears as skin rashes

Monday, July 22, 2019

Working Capital Simulation Essay Example for Free

Working Capital Simulation Essay SELECTION CRITERIA: In selecting what option to select the team came up with the following criteria: 1.) Selected option should lead to a reduction in working capital requirement and reduce short term debt in the process. 2.) Selected option should reduce the Cash Conversion Cycle. 3.) Selected option should free up locked capital in receivables and inventories. 4.) Selected option should lead to a zero working capital policy in the long run. SELECTED OPTIONS: We decided to tighten accounts receivable and drop poorly selling products because they yielded a percentage decrease in working capital requirement larger than their percentage drop in sales. Also these 2 options fit all the selection criteria we stated above. FINANCIAL RESULTS AND LEARNINGS: The options we chose led to a 44% drop in working capital requirement, drop from 159 days to 128 days in the cash conversion cycle and a 87% drop in debt. Overall we met our expectations of reducing working capital requirement and freeing up additional capital. EBIT has dropped immediately but by 2015 net income was higher by $8,000 despite the drop in $255,000 drop in EBIT in 2013. This surprised the team as we did not expect that in the long run by improving the working capital requirements of the company we reduced costs and increase net income resulting to a total created value of $691,000 for the firm. Despite the immediate decrease in sales in 2013, the overall financial position of the company is better in the long run, and moreover we have a remaining credit limit of approximately $2.8 million which is almost equal to the initial amount of credit borrowed in 2012. PHASE 2: SELECTION CRITERIA: From the learning’s and outcome of phase 1 the following selection criteria was used: 1.) Selected option should yield a percentage increase in sales  with a small percentage increase in working capital requirement. 2.) Selected option should not contribute to a significant degree in debt. SELECTED OPTIONS: Based on our analysis we felt that options 1 and 2 fit the criteria we set for selection best. Combined they show a significant increase in EBIT with a lower increase in WCR. Although we foresee a significant increase in WCR we feel that the credit line we have and the amount of capital we freed from phase would be sufficient to reduce the impact of the additional WCR. FINANCIAL RESULTS AND LEARNINGS: Our choices led to a constant increase in net income over the three years. Short term debt increase by approximately 100% percent but steadily reduced over the next three years. We were happy with the positive growth of the company and the fact that we were able to pay off most of the initial short term funding required by the increase in working capital requirement. Overall the current situation of the company in 2018 is good, although the total value created is less than 20% of that created in phase 1. From this we learned that the value of the firm can be significantly increased more through a reduction in working capital requirement than through increasing the firm’s sales and net income. PHASE 3: SELECTION CRITERIA: For this phase we decided to continue with the selection criteria from phase 1, and continue to try to increase sales with the minimum working capital requirement. We also decided to minimize risk and not go with options that have, however small, a chance of creating net losses for the company. SELECTION OPTIONS: Based on our analysis we felt that renegotiation of supplier credit terms would have a significant reduction to costs, given that most of the other suppliers would also agree to the new terms. Even though the company would need additional working capital we felt that the benefits outweigh the additional funding needed. And given the current credit line utilization and  increased profitability of the company we thought that this was a sound option to take. We also took the global expansion strategy because from a strategic management point of view it seemed like the next step to take in order to increase the company’s profitability in the long run. We again felt that we have sufficient credit and capital to venture into this expansion. FINANCIAL RESULTS AND LEARNINGS: There was a significant increase in net income but marginal increases in the succeeding 3 years. The most significant impact was in the short term debt wherein projected short term debt in 2021 would be zero, which made us very happy. This means that the company is nearing our goal of having a zero working capital requirement. This zero short term debt would also mean increased profits, and would improve our outstanding relation with the bank. Our final firm value is $4,259,000 which is significantly higher than it was in 2012. Overall we felt that we made the right decisions and our selection criteria were spot on. Value is not only generated in sales, but also in working capital requirement. And through this exercise we also confirmed that firms with efficient working capital requirement would be the most competitive in the market.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The resource curse in myanmar

The resource curse in myanmar Introduction Myanmar (Burma) has distinguished diversity in both its ethnicity and geography. Myanmar has been ruled by the formidable military junta that has contributed to raising many problems in the social, political and economic spheres. Myanmar is infamous for the worlds longest civil war, dire poverty, poor public health and systematic human rights violations. Especially, the oppression of the military regime against some indigenous groups and pro-democracy demonstrators have been done in cruel manners such as forced displacement, arbitrary detentions, rapes, torture and massacres. In the pro-democracy demonstration in 1988, as many as 3,000 unarmed protestors were killed by the Myanmar army (Human Rights Watch, 1989). The regime has maintained tight control over all facets of economy and society, including the countrys natural resources. Myanmar has plenty of natural resources: natural gas, petroleum, timber and valuable minerals such as gold, tin, rubies and jade. In contrast with the countrys abundance of natural resources, Myanmars development has never been on the right track; the outcomes are poor economic growth, extensive poverty, military dictatorship and prolonged civil war. In reality, the abundance of natural resources in Myanmar has contributed to extensive human right abuses and environmental degradation: forced labor, displacement, deforestation, soil contamination, etc. According to the International Institute for Strategic Studies, the military regime of Myanmar spends at least 40 percent of its national budget on military expenditures, in contrast with the indiscreetly low allocation of the health budget (only 0.4 percent), regardless of the exploding public health crisis (Taisamyone 2007). The military junta has exploited billions of dollars from the national revenue to fuel the military force; in other words, the money that was supposed to enrich the Myanmar citizens has been used for the military activity to control or oppress the citizens. The situation of Myanmar ― a paradoxical outcome of natural resource abundance ― can be true of the â€Å"resource curse† that has been addressed for years in a multitude of researches of countries development. The term resource curse is used to describe the paradox that dependence on natural resources, especially in developing countries often negatively affects the economic growth, democratization and promotion of human rights. As a matter of fact, many countries rich in natural resources have failed to develop and remain in miserable situations. (Humphreys 2007) It is well known that the economic instability in a resource-rich country is caused by an economic concept called â€Å"Dutch disease† ― a countrys currency value is raised by the export of natural resources, and it will makes the other domestic industries uncompetitive in the other export activities due to the inflationary exchange rate (Humphreys 2007). In addition, it is now widely agreed that the curse of natural resources degrades the quality of governance, and as a result, natural resources often provokes civil war (Collier 2007). This paper seeks to analyze the formation of the resource courses in Myanmar, by taking up the key issues of the primary resources that have largely influenced the states condition. The paper especially focuses on the relation of the parties involved with the natural resource issues in the context of economical, ecological and social aspects, rather than focusing on the theory of economic science such as the Dutch disease. Also, this paper will provide some suggestions of how to resolve the Myanmars resource curse from a point of view of sustainable development and environmental scarcity. Natural Gas Myanmars natural gas exports in the fiscal year of 2007-08 was 2.6 billion U.S dollars, and account for 43 percent of the total exports, according to the report from Myanmars Customs Department (Yao 2008). The largest of Myanmars industrial projects is the Yanada project. The Yanada pipeline was bridged from the offshore area to the Thai border with a 60-kilometer-long route across southern Burma. During the construction, the Burmese military regularly conscripted villagers in the pipeline area to impose forced labor. The villagers were afflicted with extensive human rights violations including torture, rape and extrajudicial killings by the military junta (ERI 2008). Environmental degradation during the construction and operation period is also serious problem. Offshore drilling creates massive toxic wastes that are usually dumped into the ocean. Both the disposal of toxic waste and the drilling cause a hazardous effect on the wet lands, fish and habitats, and pollute water supplies (ALTSEAN-Burma 2009). There is another serious problem in natural gas projects other than human rights abuses and environmental degradation. The military expenditure of the military junta dramatically increased due to the Yanada project. According to the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Myanmars military budget was estimated at $900 million U.S. of the total budget of $2.3 billion. The Yanada project provided the largest portion of the revenue, and at least 50 % of it would flow directly to the military regime (CIA Factbook cited in ERI 2008). The natural gas and multinational corporations have not benefited the local population at all but they have contributed much to financing the military junta. There has been no threat from neighboring countries since the countys independence in 1948; the purpose of enforcing military rule is only to control or oppress its citizens. While Myanmar pours its huge budget into the military activities, the country is severely impoverished as one of the poorest countries in the world. Timber Aside from the natural gas industry, the timber industry also produces a significant profit in Myanmar. Because of its lucrative nature, especially in the variable teak, the military junta has overexploited the countrys forests. The extensive illegal logging is a huge problem, leading to the deforestation and the destruction of biodiversity. The forests covered 70% of Myanmars total land area at the time of its independence in 1948, but most independent estimates indicated that over half of the countrys forests were cut down by commercial logging operations as of 1998 (Dennis 1999). Deforestation contributes to massive soil erosion, temperature increase and flooding in the areas logged. Deforestation spoils the quality and availability of water and directly harms the local communities livelihood; farming is impossible in the land and a shortage of clean water undermines the health of the people. Not only that, forests are furthermore important for the indigenous people in their religious beliefs and practices. â€Å"Karen people in Lu Thaw Township are famous for their traditional beliefs related to forests†¦If there was no forest, there would be no rotational farming, plant diversity, and the specific cultural identity, traditional beliefs and values of the Karen would disappear.† (PKDS and KESAN 2004) In the peripheral part of the country, the ethnopolitical groups manage the logging industry for the benefit of .hard currency. The logging business provides both the military junta and the local ethnopolitical minorities with profit, and this has led to an incompatible relationship between them. The military junta started to monopolize the timber industry and forcibly removed ethnopolitical groups that managed some forest areas, such as Karen National Union States (KNU) that dealt with the logging business in the unreserved forest area of Karen State. The military junta has cut down forests indiscriminately whether they are reserved or unreserved. The military junta stripped the living environment and a significant source of income from the local communities. Thus, logging and political conflict are interrelated in the Karen State (PKDS and KESAN 2004). Dams The military junta has been enforcing the construction of dams along the Salween River for the sake of hydropower. In the dome sites, forced labor and human rights violations were regularly conducted by the Burmese military, as well as the construction of the natural gas pipeline construction described above. A series of dam constructions caused a threat of flood and water scarcity, and tens of thousands of people have been forced to flee to higher ground. Although the military junta once promised abundant electricity and water supplies along the dam sites, the local population has never received the benefit. On the contrary, local communities in the area, mainly Karenni ethnic people, have been suffering from the destruction of the environment and shortage of water, which have directly damaged both farming and fishing industries, and the local communities livelihood. One of four dams of the Salween River, the Weigyi Dam, flooded several times, extending over 640 square kilometers, and made 30,000 villagers homeless, submerging 28 towns in Karen State (KDRG 2006). Ongoing Civil War in Myanmar Myanmar has a long history of numerous civil wars due to the great diversity of the ethnic groups and the problematic politics of the military regime. Several ethnopolitical minorities had organized rebellion and fought simultaneously against the military regime to achieve their self-determination. Most of the ethnopolitical minorities, however, compromised on cease-fire agreements with the military regime in the end of 1980s, after an offer of the military regime that promised a part of the political rights for the combatant ethnopolitical groups. A few ethnopolitical groups such as the Karen National Union (KNU) and Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) are still in combat against the military junta. Both the Karen and Karenni state have been severely oppressed by the military junta. In Karen State, the number of Internal Displaced Persons (IDPs), by forced displacement or relocation by military junta, counts over 157,000 since the end of 2002, and over 240 villages were destroyed or relocated (Human Rights Watch 2005). In Karenni State, more than 81,000 civilians, equivalent to 25 percent of the total population, were displaced and 267 villages were destroyed (Burma Issues 2008). Karen and Karenni State are the locations that are troubled with some of the largest numbers of IDPs in Myanmar. The cruel oppressions of the military junta against Karen and Karenni definitely caused a grievance that incites the ethnopolitical groups to take up arms against the military junta. In some cases, those oppressions are closely linked with the interest of natural resources. As a reason for displacement, there are two main reasons: â€Å"conflict induced displacement†Ã¢â‚¬â€¢ a forced displacement induced as a result of conflicts in the area and â€Å"development induced displacement† ― a forced displacement for the purpose of development or exploitation of natural resource of the area (Burma Issues 2008). Karenni State is a very example of development induced displacement. â€Å"Karenni State a number of different development projects are being undertaken by the military junta including, mining, logging, hydro-electricity, industrial development and agriculture projects.† (Burma Issues 2008) The development project led the military junta set up military base along the construction sites, and forces extensive human rights abuses and causes environmental degradation. Massive forced displacement was done along both with its process and operation process (see Dams section in this paper). Also, there are several examples that conflicts were exacerbated over a right to control natural resources. One of the cease-fire groups, Karenni National Democratic Party (KNDP), was compelled to recruit into the military junta as the exchange condition for receiving the control of the local area. The KNDP participated in the Burmese troops in 1997 to attack a refugees shelter located in the side of Thai border. This means ceasefire groups fought against non-ceasefire groups, resulting in intra-ethnic conflicts. Moreover, the military junta granted control of areas and resources to the ethnopolitical groups who joined to attack non-ceasefire groups to raise a grievance among ethnopolitical groups. (KDRG 2006) Some displacement in Karen State was done for the purpose of seizing control of the dam, mining and logging sites, that is, the development induced displacement. However, the displacement of Karen State was triggered in reasons for conflict-induced displacement rather than development-induced displacement. Those conflicts can be regarded as the consequence of a series of oppression and development-induced displacement by the military junta (see Timbersection in this paper). The destruction of environment, livelihood, and cultural value of the ethnic people induced the KNU to take up arms against the military junta. As a result of prolonged numerous conflicts, the people in Karen State, especially the 157,000 IDPs, were severely victimized in both development-induced displacement and conflict-induced displacement. As the examples of Kanenni and Karen State, an abundance of natural resource have induced huge mount of cruel displacement and civil wars across the country, and it would be the body of the resource curse in Myanmar. Analysis from a Concept for Sustainable Development and Environmental Scarcity This section examines: 1) how the military junta, the body of Myanmars politics, is getting along with a major concept of sustainable development, 2) the relation between environmental scarcity and conflict, based on a academic theory. Promoting sustainable development is based on the three pillars: The social: this relates to human mores and values, relationship and institutions. The economic: this concerns the allocation and distribution of scarce of resources. The ecological: this involves the contribution of both the economic and the social and their effect on the environment and its resources. (Ekins 2000 cited in Banker 2006) For the social context, military junta has extensively violated human rights against the citizens, especially ethnopolitical group who live in the sites of natural resources. For the economic context, military junta has monopolized the profit of the resource to enforce their military capacity, intending to control over the population with the country. This resulted in the extremely poor economic growth of the country. For the ecological context, there have been a myriad of environmental degradations in any types of natural resource extraction (see sections of Natural Gas, Timber and Dam in this paper). Unflatteringly, the military junta has been doing the things in the opposite way of sustainable development. In the concept of sustainable development, scholars all agreed that social participation is an essential to promote sustainable development; making decision procedure should involve democracy with local communities (Banker 2006). In the case of Myanmar, the National League for Democracy gained the support from the majority of the country citizens in 1990 national election, and Aung San Suu Kyi was elected as the Prime Minister. However, the military junta demolished the election and refused the citizens to participate the national politics, by making military threats. In recent decades, environmental scarcity could plausibly generate some types of violent conflict in a country much dependent on environmental goods and services. One of the types refers to â€Å"Disputes arising directly from local environmental degradation caused, for instance, by factory emissions, logging, or dam† (Thomas and Homer 1999). For the relation between environmental scarcity and conflicts, some scientists adopt a process called reciprocal causation. As the causal steps show, Myanmars environmental degradation by military junta caused a significant environmental scarcity in the local communities, such the cases of Karen and Karenni State that is still in a situation of violent conflicts today. All the cases of Myanmar, described above in the paper, have proved that the military junta has contributing to ignoring the countrys sustainable development, and inducing to create violent conflict against local communities. In this perspective, it is absolutely important to address the Myanmars ethnopolitical conflicts, based on environmental issues. Conclusion Due to the combination of the bad governance and an abundance of the natural resources, Myanmar has lapsed into a miserable situation: poverty, poor economic growth, continuous civil wars, etc. These catastrophic outcomes are definitely attributable to the failure of the natural resource management by the military junta. Even the effort to establish a democratic state by the citizens was destroy by the injustice of the military junta. It is necessary to have further cooperation both within the country and out side of the country (international communities). The attitude of international communities against the military junta is controversial.Althoughinternational communities have imposedeconomicsanctionandlimittheir trading, this directly benefited the nonbearing countries such as China, Thailand, and India. As a result, the economic sanction has decreased the performance of the countrys economic growth; Myanmar has to sell their products in cheap price due to the lack of trade partners. Besides, the interest between China and Myanmar has hindered the use of Responsibility to Protect of United Nations Security Council. In any case, international communities have to immediately come up with another alternative to change the military junta. For the cooperation within the country, it is important to refer to the capacity of ethnopolitical minorities. Although some ethnopolitical minorities have some power to negotiate with the military junta, each group has their own policy and sometimes the policies among ethnopolitical minorities are incompatible. If there is a chance to overcome the power of the military regime, it is a time when all the ethnopolitical minorities and citizens unite their purpose for the democracy for whole nation, not pursuing each own political rights. Reference: ALTSEAN-Burma(Alternative ASEAN Network on Burma) (2009) KEY ISSUES ENVIRONMENT, Retrieved on 22nd January 2010 from Collier, P. (2007) The Bottom Billion, Oxford: Oxford University Press Dennis, J. V. (1999) A REVIEW OF NATIONAL SOCIAL POLICIES Myanmar, Retrieved on 22nd January 2010 from$FILE/FULLTEXT.html Burma Issues (March 2008) Living Ghosts -The spiraling repression of the Karenni population under the Burmese military junta, Retrieved on 22nd January 2010 from EarthRights International (ERI) (April 2008) The Human Cost of Energy, Retrieved on 23rd January 2010 from Humphreys, M. et al (2007) Escaping the Resource, New York: Curse Columbia University Press Human Rights Watch (1989) BURMA (Myanmar), Retrieved on January 22nd 2010 from Human Rights Watch; Vol. 17, No.4 (June, 2005). â€Å"They Came and Destroyed Our Village Again† The Plight of Internally Displaced Persons in Karen State: New York. Retrieved on 25th October, 2009 from Karenni Development Research Group (KDRG) (2006) Dammed by Burmas Generals, Retrieved on 22nd January 2010 from Kramer T. (July, 2009) Neither War Nor Peace: The Future of the Cease-Fire Agreements in Burma, Transnational Institute. Retrieved on 25th October, 2009 from Pan Kachin Development Society (PKDS) and Karen Environmental and Social Action Network (KESAN) (2004) Destruction and degradation of the Burmese Frontier forests, Amsterdam: Kaboem, Rerieved on 22nd January 2010 from Taisamyone (6th July, 2007) Editorial: Disproportionate military expenditure in Burma, Burma Digest, Retrieved on 22nd January, 2010 from Thomas, D. and Homer, D (1999) Environment, Scarcity, and Violence, United Kingdom: Princeton University Press. Yao Amber (2008) Natural gas tops Myanmar exports in 2007-08, Xinhua News Agency, Retrieved on 22nd January 2010 from

Link Between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development

Link Between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development In the influential article by Solow (1956), a structure was given for the readers to have a clear view of the linkage between economic growth and the basic important factors of production. He suggested ways in which maximum economic growth is easily achievable through his dynamic state of the art framework. Solows model named as the growth accounting framework, includes two factors; physical capital and labor precisely, whereas technological change being the implicit factor. One of the basic purposes is to tell the reader about the entrepreneurial trends going on in the world. Entrepreneurship is a central focus in the growth policy which is well matched in the Solows model and it is also linked to the economic growth at the same time. It is linked to the economic growth in the sense that it is facilitating the current organizations through spillover of knowledge and in turn increasing the economic growth. According to Acs (2004) and Audretsch (2006) the term knowledge filter for the commercialization of the firm in terms of RD, human capital, university research etc may not be the only sources of economic growth. It has been noticed that the investment in new knowledge has been substantial resulting in growth and decrease in unemployment, but it blocks commercialization of new knowledge investments in turn reducing innovative activity and ultimately declining growth. The growing of entrepreneurship policy to promote economic growth is an attempt to create entrepreneurship capital, or the ability of an economy to generate the start-up of new firms. Porter (1990) said that Entrepreneurship is at the heart of national advantage. The role of entrepreneurship motivates economic growth through innovation and sustaining of competition among competitors. Entrepreneurship is an important part of industrial growth and the backbone of any country for its economic development. The spirit of entrepreneurship brings about enthusiasm, persistence and the ability to seek entrepreneurial opportunities that lead to success. A countrys ability to generate a steady stream of business opportunities can only come about when its people take to entrepreneurial activities. Entrepreneurs are essentially the engines of growth for a country. Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs are vital drivers of economic growth, employment, innovation and productivity and it has been long understood by analysts and economic theoreticians. Entrepreneurship is the driving force behind the growth in the modern economy. Taking into consideration the topic I have chosen the following dimensions: Entrepreneurship Commercialization Investment Capital New firms Now I will thoroughly discuss each dimension separately Entrepreneurship: According to the Small Business service 2002, the term entrepreneurship is derived from the word entrepreneur, and it is commonly referred to as the activity that individuals connect in that is often characterized by a unique reflection, innovative approaches and risk taking in order to create a new business or grow an existing business. It can be defined as a managerial performance that time after time develop opportunities to bring results beyond the individuals own capabilities, which involves creativity and innovation says Thompson (1999) and it is also a focus on change and opportunity as well as organization-wide management says Wickham (2001). Entrepreneurship is an attitude that covers an individuals motivation and capability, independently or within the context of an organization and to spot an opportunity and to pursue it in order to create wealth or economic success. It is advance thinking outside the box leading to new ideas, new products or services. Better production methodologies and efficient ways of doing things also helps in economic growth according to Khan (2008). Cantillon, (1700s), used the term entrepreneur to refer to a person who took an active risk-bearing role in pursuing opportunity. It is not a 21st century phenomenon as Coulter (2003) says. Deakins and Freel (2003) in their research found out that entrepreneurship acts as a catalyst in bringing about an economic change and helps in economic development. Entrepreneurship is the apparent aptitude and enthusiasm of persons, on their individual base, in groups, inside and outside existing organizations to make out and generate new economic opportunities (new products, new production methods, new organizational schemes and new product-market combinations), and to introduce their ideas in the market, in the face of uncertainty and other obstacles, by making decisions on location, form and the use of resources and institutions says Wennekers and Thurik (1999). Schumpeter in his theory of Economic Development emphasizes the role of the entrepreneur as basic cause of economic development. He describes how the innovating entrepreneur challenges existing firms; by introducing new inventions that make current technologies and products obsolete. This process of creative destruction is the main characteristic of what has been called the Schumpeter Mark I regime. This process of creative accumulation is the main characteristic of the Schumpeter Mark II regime. Commercialization: Commercialization is a process that helps firms achieves a good name in the market economy. New technologies are introduced in the market and they further help in attaining much public attention. Commercialization has been occurring throughout the world and proves helpful in getting much surface attention. The basic component of commercialization of innovation includes patent protection and capital investments. According to the WIPO2007; National Governors Association 2008, both the patent requests along with the easy governmental policies for promotion of capital investments in concept to the new commercial applications are rising. Economic development is possible through successful commercialization. It is a cycle as commercialization increases the economic value by creating high skilled people which in turn is the basis of highly waged jobs and both these lead towards the stability of the economy. New technology in commercialization is playing its vital role as this knowledge when applied appropriately and in the right direction helps in the growth of the economy. A five stage model of commercialization process according to Jolly (1997) has been outlined in order to attain market entry of new procedures, goods and techniques. These stages are as follows: Imaging stage This is the first stage in which the researcher finds the basic research which relates to a new concept. Technology exploration is the main purpose of this stage. Incubating stage In the incubating stage, the already existing techniques and technologies are examined, the ones that are being generically used and tested. Demonstrating stage Prototypes are created in this stage of the new concept. Promoting stage This stage is the beginning of the entry and expansion of the prototypes being created in the demonstrating stage. Sustaining stage The last stage according to Jolly tells us that whether the prototype is able to sustain the in the long run or not (David A. Boulay; Charles T. Worley; Meagan Barnes , 2008) Investment: Investment and entrepreneurship are interrelated with each other. Entrepreneurship is not possible without investment. Investment is required for production of new products and services. It is also required for enhancing knowledge and technology which helps in innovation. In intrapreneurship: conceptualizing entrepreneurial employee behavior by Jeroen de Jong Sander Wennekers in (2008), the major inconsistent elements of entrepreneurship are the investment of personal financial means and the related financial risk taking, a higher degree of self-sufficiency, and legal and fiscal aspects of establishing a new independent business. New ventures started by entrepreneurs are often risky and they require heavy investment. It is a risk that entrepreneurs take; in order to bring out a new innovation in the form of a new product or new service or even a new methodology of production, into existence. The transformation of knowledge into a new product is risky and if the idea clicks the investment is turned into profit which helps in economic development. According to Baumol (2002a, 2002b) the entrepreneurial function of risk taking in the innovation process from the role of larger current corporations that are engaged into routine processes of large scale innovation. In the impact of entrepreneurship on economic growth by M.A. Carreea b.c and A.R. Thurika, a large amount of companies guide to high interest in huge amount of investment and research and development programs leading to high growth where as less amount of investments in research and development lead to slow growth. Capital: Capital is the financial asset that is used for investment in the entrepreneurial activity to start a new venture of innovate the existing one. However, entrepreneurial and risk taking behavior certainly makes apparent itself in the creation of new ventures. Higher the entrepreneurship intensity is, the higher the level of the hidden variable entrepreneurship capital becomes. Entrepreneurship capital means the ability for economic agents to generate new firms. Entrepreneurship has typically been referred to as an action, process, or activity whereas entrepreneurship capital is the ability of the people to generate new firms and help in the economic prosperity of the world. According to G. Hofstede (2002), entrepreneurship capital can also be a part of stock capital as it reflects other numerous factors such as legal, institutional and social factors. A recent study shows that entrepreneurship capital is somewhat a missing link in describing the variations in economic performance says Acs and Audretsch (2003) From the economic perspective, Hebert and Link (1989) distinguish between the supply of financial capital, innovation, allocation of resources among substitute uses and decision-making. Such perspectives generate a high propensity for economic agents to start new firms can be characterized as being rich in entrepreneurship capital. Entrepreneurship capital exerts a positive impact on economic output for a number of reasons. The first being mechanism for knowledge spillovers. Romer (1986), Lucas (1988 and 1992) Grossman and Helpman (1991) recognized that knowledge spillovers are an important mechanism underlying growing expansion. A second way that entrepreneurship capital put forth a positive impact on economic out-put is through the increased competition by high number of enterprises. Jacobs (1969) and Porter (1990) argue that competition is more conducive to knowledge externalities than is local monopoly. A third way that entrepreneurship capital generates economic output is by providing variety among the firms. Not only does entrepreneurship capital generate a greater number of enterprises, but it also increases the multiplicity of enterprises in the location. A key assumption made by Hannan and Freeman (1989) in the population ecology literature is that each new organization represents a unique approach. Entrepreneurship Capital and Economic Growth by Audretsch and Keilbach tells that entrepreneurship capital contributes to output and growth by serving as a means for knowledge spillovers, increasing competition, and by instilling diversity leading to economic growth. New Firms: Schumpeter (1942) gave his work in a very influential manner and since then entrepreneurship has been the hot topic in economic growth and development. With the advent of entrepreneurship, new firms and new employment opportunities are created which brings with it productive innovation says Baumol (2002). It is important to understand factors that promote new firms to economic development. High level of new firms is created with entrepreneurial activities which significantly promotes economic vitality and shows that the economy is dynamic rather than being static. Different factors affect the creation of new firms such as unemployment, population growth, industrial structure, and human capital, the availability of financing and entrepreneurial individuality. Building on the contributions of urbanism Jane Jacobs, Lee, Florida and Gates (2002) showed that social diversity and human capital have constructive relationships with regional innovation production measured by per capita patent production. According to Rynolds, (1994) factors like unemployment, population, industrial scattering and financial availability are important in terms of new firm formation. Armingten and Acs (2002) found that industrial intensity, income growth, population growth and human capital were closely related to new firm formation. Kirchhoff (2002) found academic research and development expenditure to be associated with rates of new firm structure across regions. Studies noted the significance of the function of association in entrepreneurship. Saxenian (1999) found that extensive networks of Chinese and Indian workers help people start new firms with the help of contacts and financial support in Silicon Valley. STUART and SORENSON (2003) argue that businesses cluster because geographical closeness enables them to use social ties necessary to gather together essential resources. Conclusion: Entrepreneurship is a vast topic which covers the major aspects of economic growth. Entrepreneurship is possible with the help of new innovative ideas that gives birth to new firms. For making the innovation real, investment is required in capital and assets. All these dimensions lead towards economic growth of the world.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Successful Relationships And Short Stories :: essays research papers

Successful Relationships and Short Stories A successful relationship is the Holy Grail in life for most people. We are constantly searching and striving to attain that bond with someone with out fully understanding the components involved in making it happen. In a time of serial monogamy, marriage drive thrus, and quickie divorces, we don't have much incentive to invest that sort of time. Relationships are easy to get out of. But in order to have a successful relationship, both parties must first actively communicate their intentions of what they are hoping to gain from the relationship, concerns, and hopes for themselves as individuals and as a collective. Failure to do this would surely be the demise of any relationship. There are many instances in the short stories in which I have read where two characters are unable to grasp the concept in which I am putting forth. A prime example would be Miss Dent and Mr. Blake from John Cheever's "The Five- Forty-Eight." In this story, Miss Dent and Mr. Blake start with a working relationship which escalates into a one night stand. Neither character has communicated what their intentions or hopes for this encounter is. Miss Dent is coming from the angle that she cares for this person, and would like something more from this affair. She articulates this to him later saying "All I wanted was a little love." Had she addressed this in the beginning, it would have been clear what her hopes were for this relationship. Mr. Blake however was coming from the exact opposite angle: "She gave him a drink and said that she was going to put on something more comfortable. He urged her to; that was he came for." If these people were openly communicating their intentions to each other would have been clear therefore enabling them to make an informed decision. Another example of a successful relationship from the short stories I have read is character Nanapush and his young friend Eli from Louise Edrich's "Matchimanito." Eli frequently came to Nanapush for advice on hunting, women, and life in general. It was clear to Nanapush what Eli's intentions were, as Eli communicated it frequently with his barrage of questions. "I'm a Nanapush remember. That's as good as saying I knew what interested Eli Kashpaw. He wanted something other than what I could teach him about the woods. Successful Relationships And Short Stories :: essays research papers Successful Relationships and Short Stories A successful relationship is the Holy Grail in life for most people. We are constantly searching and striving to attain that bond with someone with out fully understanding the components involved in making it happen. In a time of serial monogamy, marriage drive thrus, and quickie divorces, we don't have much incentive to invest that sort of time. Relationships are easy to get out of. But in order to have a successful relationship, both parties must first actively communicate their intentions of what they are hoping to gain from the relationship, concerns, and hopes for themselves as individuals and as a collective. Failure to do this would surely be the demise of any relationship. There are many instances in the short stories in which I have read where two characters are unable to grasp the concept in which I am putting forth. A prime example would be Miss Dent and Mr. Blake from John Cheever's "The Five- Forty-Eight." In this story, Miss Dent and Mr. Blake start with a working relationship which escalates into a one night stand. Neither character has communicated what their intentions or hopes for this encounter is. Miss Dent is coming from the angle that she cares for this person, and would like something more from this affair. She articulates this to him later saying "All I wanted was a little love." Had she addressed this in the beginning, it would have been clear what her hopes were for this relationship. Mr. Blake however was coming from the exact opposite angle: "She gave him a drink and said that she was going to put on something more comfortable. He urged her to; that was he came for." If these people were openly communicating their intentions to each other would have been clear therefore enabling them to make an informed decision. Another example of a successful relationship from the short stories I have read is character Nanapush and his young friend Eli from Louise Edrich's "Matchimanito." Eli frequently came to Nanapush for advice on hunting, women, and life in general. It was clear to Nanapush what Eli's intentions were, as Eli communicated it frequently with his barrage of questions. "I'm a Nanapush remember. That's as good as saying I knew what interested Eli Kashpaw. He wanted something other than what I could teach him about the woods.

Friday, July 19, 2019

My Teaching Philosophy Essay -- Education Teaching Essays

My Teaching Philosophy I think my teaching philosophy is best defined as a combination of progressivism and social reconstructionism. David Sadker, author of "Teachers Schools and Society", defines the progressive educator as someone who, "(†¦) facilitates learning by helping students formulate meaningful questions and devise strategies to answer those questions", while social reconstructionism emphasizes cooperation, less conflict, and a better quality of life. These two teaching philosophies in combination seem to both fit my view on how learning should be facilitated and how it should be based. Progressive teachers tend to, like myself, look for inventive, new, and creative ways to see a problem. In putting students into groups they find there are many possible solutions to problems that they would not likely figure out on their own. I also advocate the progressive approach because I think it promotes children to think for themselves, in that if everyone is not researching the same idea or solution they are less likely to depend on someone else to supply the answer, and mo...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

How To Make Money Selling Item :: essays research papers

How to make money selling items through internet auctions. Buying and selling things is not new. As a matter of fact, people have been buying and selling things in one form or another ever since time began. It is part of life. We all need or want things that we can not provide for ourselves, so we have to find someone who can supply us with the items, and we pay them to provide us with these items we need or want. Ebay is an online auction service that helps people sell their items to people across the country, or even the globe, for a good profit. So if someone has been trying to sell something through the classifieds in their local newspaper and the item has not been selling, they could advertise it on eBay, and someone could buy it from another state. I want to explain how to sell, make profit, and have many return customers from listing items on eBay.Deciding what to sell is not as easy as it looks. There are two main types of items that can be sold. The first and most obvious are those items that are lying around the house that need to ridden of, like of those CD’s that are not listened to anymore, that old toy gotten as a kid, things like that. These items are great to sell to make some extra money, but they are a one time sale item, meaning once they are sold, they are gone and so is the chance at a recurring income. The second category of items that can be sold is a set of products that I create or buy in order to sell them. These can be a great source of income, things as simple as my mother’s recipe for chocolate chip cookies, an information disk, or book about Beanie Babies. These types of items are things I can sell over and over again. They may not bring in as much money per item as other items, but I can sell them in a great quantity. I want to give a detailed description of the item types that I have just talked about.First, I will take the one of a kind items. These are the items that are taking up space in my closet, the things that I have bought and do not have a use for anymore, or the things I have gotten as presents that have never been taken out of the box.

Politics and the English Language Essay

Eric Arthur Blair popularly known as George Orwell is known for his novels â€Å"Animal Farm† (1945) and â€Å"Nineteen-Eighty Four† (1949). He was born in British India on 1903 and he grew up to detest a person’s control over another which is typical in his writings (Microsoft Student, 2007). He wrote in 1950 the essay â€Å"Politics and the English Language† which is a confrontation of the bad writing habits of the British people that has crept into â€Å"Modern English† during his time. Orwell argues that the English language has gotten worse because of â€Å"political and economic† factors and that political collapse has also been affected by the weakening of the English language. He presented five passages from different writings which he describes as ineffective and careless and enumerated the â€Å"bad habits† of â€Å"written English† which has become common in the modern prose of that period. It also pointed out the ambiguity of language caused people to be deceived. In this essay, Orwell appeals to his readers that they can still reverse what is happening to the English language and to politics and that is to avoid the â€Å"bad habits† and to follow the rules he prescribes. The main idea of Orwell’s essay observes the four canons of â€Å"memory†, â€Å"invention†, â€Å"disposition† and â€Å"style† and its controlling idea that the deterioration of the English language is connected with the worsening of politics is a cyclical process may be true but the connection between politics and the incompetence of the English language has not been clearly established because it does not provide sufficient examples from political writings or speeches that will prove this claim. When analyzed, it can be discovered that the essay follows the four canons of â€Å"memory†, â€Å"invention†, disposition† and â€Å"style†. To start with, the essay begins by drawing upon the belief that â€Å"most people† know about the deterioration of â€Å"our civilization† and that language eventually becomes deteriorated in the process. It also includes the general knowledge of the â€Å"British rule in India†, and the bombing in Hiroshima, Japan. Next, the essay does not mention statistics or record of interviews but it employs an analysis of five passages from various writings that the author cited as well as the examples of phrases or words that have become worn-out or have lost its meaning. Orwell also translated a paragraph written in â€Å"good English† into a paragraph written in what he calls â€Å"modern English of the worst sort† which illustrated how something good can turn into bad or even worse. The result of such methods employed by the writer has been effective in understanding the essay. Another, the essay follows a logical pattern in its organization and structure. After the introductory paragraph which mentions a public belief in the essay. The second paragraph of the essay states the controlling idea that the worsening of politics and economics brings about the decline of language and it goes around in a cycle. It elaborates that this is demonstrated by the â€Å"bad habits† that have spread â€Å"by tradition and imitation† at that time. But, he lays down a solution which is to avoid those â€Å"bad habits†. The essay includes five samples of passages that use metaphors that are no longer effective and accurate from the third to the ninth paragraph. It goes on to enumerate the â€Å"bad habits† of â€Å"dying metaphors†, â€Å"operators or verbal false limbs†, â€Å"pretentious diction† and â€Å"meaningless words† of â€Å"Modern English† in the tenth to thirteenth paragraph. He goes on to give his own example of a paragraph in â€Å"good English† translated into bad â€Å"modern English† from paragraphs fourteen (14) to seventeen (17). Paragraph eighteen (18), explains how the selected passages no longer present vivid imagery and accuracy. In the same paragraph, Orwell mentions that writers use those â€Å"bad habits† because it is convenient and is â€Å"easy†. Paragraph nineteen (19) expounds on how â€Å"political writing is bad writing† by citing examples of situations as well as phrases. Paragraphs 20 to 21 continue to explain that â€Å"political language† has been used to hide the truth from the people. Paragraph 22 elucidates that one uses vague, long and ambiguous words so as to blur the details. Paragraph 23 goes back to clarify what the author has already mentioned in the second paragraph that â€Å"thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought. † Orwell also recognizes that he has â€Å"committed the very faults I am protesting against. † He asserts that it is only with constant awareness of the â€Å"bad habits† that one can be liberated from it. The essay gives details on the writer’s idea that the decay of language can still be regenerated in paragraphs 24 to 26. The last paragraph recapitulates the controlling idea and the supporting ideas that have been presented in the body of the essay. Lastly, the style of the text is a combination of short and long sentences in its 27 paragraphs. The shortest sentence in the essay consists of 7 words while the longest can consist of 57 words. The average sentence length per paragraph can range from 21 to 38 words. There is a minimum of 4 sentences and a maximum of 8 sentences per paragraph. Its sentence and paragraph length suggests a formal tone that is at the same time analytical and persuasive. Although the essay follows the four canons, there are still inadequacies in the research method, and in the order of some paragraphs. First, the essay does not include interviews of people who have suffered because language was used in a deceitful way during that time of Orwell’s writing. If one has to look back to that period of World War II when this essay was probably written, there are people who survived the so called â€Å"Holocaust† that the author could have cited or interviewed. The â€Å"Holocaust† was the â€Å"almost† complete annihilation of the â€Å"Jews in Europe† by the Nazis and its allies during World War II (Bankier, 2007). The statements of Hitler before the occurrence of World War II could have been a very good example of political language used to deceive people or to hide the truth from them. In addition, the essay should have also included samples of passages that come from political writings or speeches because the readers can hardly see the connection between the degeneration of language and the political disorder without concrete examples. Out of the five sample passages in the essay, only passage (4) can be considered a political writing. Moreover, the order of some of the paragraphs is not effective. For instance, paragraph 18 which is an illumination on the â€Å"bad habits† that the five passages contain, should be placed in between paragraph 13 and 14. When the writer talks about the sample passages then he should move on to explain those and he should not mention a new topic or idea as he did in paragraphs 14 to 17. Furthermore, the second sentence of paragraph 17 is quite ambiguous. It is not at all very clear because it does not specify what those â€Å"several patches of the same kind of English† are. In conclusion, Orwell’s essay on â€Å"Politics and the English Language† follows the four canons and has achieved its purpose in persuading the readers to avoid â€Å"bad habits† of â€Å"modern English† so that they can think clearly for it is with â€Å"foolish thoughts† that language is corrupted. References Bankier, D. (2007). Holocaust. Microsoft ® Student 2008 [DVD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation. Orwell, G. (1946). Politics and the English Language. London: Horizon. Ziemke, E. F. World War II. Microsoft ® Student 2008 [DVD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation.